NGC7000 Mexico Region in Cygnus
(RA 21h 00m, DEC +43d 25m)
Photo Details:
- Instrument: AstroPhysics 155-EDF Refractor (155mm-f/7) with Field Flattener and Off Axis Guider
- Filters: Red - OG-590, Green & Blue - Custom designed with two types of Schott glass each
- Exposure: Red - 2x90 mins, Green - 180 mins, Blue - 180 mins
- Film: Kodak Tech Pan 2415
- Developer: D19, 10 minutes
- Location: Mountain Ranch, California, El. 2480ft (120d 30' 02" W & 38d 14' 01" N)
- Date: September 2003
- Digital Processing Employed: Basic Levels and Curves to stretch contrast and balance color plus image gamma was raised to enhance viewing on average monitors. The enhanced image used Star and Noise XTerminator, star reduction and additional processing in Photoshop.
- Comments: This photo was assembled based on tests run by photographing a Kodak Gray Scale card in tricolor.
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