Barnard 7/209/211 in Taurus
(RA 04h 17.5m, DEC +28d 05m)
Photo Details:
- Instrument:Canon EF400mm-f/2.8L IS II USM Lens
- Filters: None
- Exposure: 103x5mins for a total of 505mins
- Camera: ZWO ASI2600MC
- Software: MaxIm DL, Images Plus, Photoshop, Registar, Star & Noise XTerminator
- Location: Hereford, AZ, El. 4400ft (110d 09' 45" W & 31d 23' 59" N
- Date: September 19/20, 2023
- Comments: B7 is the dark spots above CED30 (Blue nebula), B211 is the dark streak in the lower left and B209 is the light brown area from center to upper right.
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